Botanikai Közlemények
Journal of the Botanical Section
of the Hungarian Biological Society
Botanikai Közlemények
103(2): 249–262 (2016) Review Effects of environmental and management factors on species and trait composition in arable weed communities Gy. PINKE
Széchenyi István University, Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences, H-9200 Mosonmagyaróvár, Vár 2, Hungary;
Keywords: agroecology, plant traits, survey, weed flora, weed vegetation
One of the exciting topics of weed science is to identify the most important ecological and management variables influencing the composition of arable weed communities. Tis paper reviews the fndings of relevant publications from the last 15 years. According to floristic approaches six ecological (altitude, seasonality, temperature, precipitation, soil pH, soil texture) and three management variables (crop, preceding crop, degree of intensifcation) were most ofen identifed as the most important factors determining the species composition of arable weed communities. It can be concluded that there is a general positive correlation between the length of a gradient and its importance. According to functional approaches the most frequent correlations were found between the plant traits of stature, seed size, seed production, germination time, flowering period, life form and some specifc variables.
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