Botanikai Közlemények
Journal of the Botanical Section
of the Hungarian Biological Society
Botanikai Közlemények 103(1): 7–32 (2016) My memories of dr. Vera Csapody K. Bíró
Accepted: 12 April 2016
It was fifty years ago when I first met my mentor
in plant painting, dr. Vera
Csapody, the noted botanical artist and
illustrator. Generations of botanists and
plant-lovers grew up on her artistic yet
accurate plant illustrations published in
numerous scholarly and popular science
books. Several publications have already
evaluated her scientific merits, in this
paper I share my personal memories of her.
It was my botany professor, István
Kárpáti, who introduced me to her as a talented student with strong attitude
for drawing plants. Vera Csapody accepted me
as disciple and I regularly visited her at
the Herbarium of the Hungarian Natural
History Museum at Budapest. I learned from
her every bits and details of plant
illustration, yet I never felt that I was being
taught. Later, when I became a botanical illustrator myself, she kept her
kind attention on my works, continued
to give advice, shared the joy of my
successes, and even gifted me some of her
most precious works. Vera Csapody was an
admirable person deeply dedicated
to botany, had a humble respect for
nature, and was always persistent and precise
in work. She lived a very modest – almost
monastic – life. She was always open
for discussion and turned towards people
with love. She found family bonds extremely important. It was perhaps due to
the deep intellectual activity associated
with plant drawing and painting –
practiced over more than sixty years – that she
had a mental acuity and sharp memory well
after eighty. I am grateful that I had
such an incomparable mentor.
Csapody V. 1932:
Mediterrán elemek a magyar flórában. Bölcsészdoktori értekezés. Rákospalota,
23 pp. és I-XIV. tábla.
Debreczy Zs.,
K. 1973: Dísznövények (búvár zsebkönyvek). Móra Ferenc Könyvkiadó, Budapest,
62 pp.
Debreczy Zs.,
V. 1971: Télen is zöld kertek. Mezőgazdasági Kiadó, Budapest, 383 pp.
Jávorka S.,
V. 1952: Növényhatározó. Tankönyvkiadó Vállalat, Budapest, 708 pp. Simon T., Csapody V. 1966: Kis növényhatározó. Tankönyvkiadó, Budapest, 179 pp.