Botanikai Közlemények

 Journal of the Botanical Section of the Hungarian Biological Society


About this journal

The journal Botanikai Közlemények (Botanical Communications) has a history of more than 100 years. It was founded in 1901, the first issue was printed under the name Növénytani Közlemények in 1902. At the outset, the journal published lectures and society news for the Section of Botany (founded in 1981) of the Royal Hungarian Society for Natural Sciences (RHSNS). The journal's name was changed to Botanikai Közlemények in 1909. After the RHSNS discontinued in 1952, the journal became the official organ for the Section of Botany, Hungarian Biological Society. Today one volume with two issues is published each year.

Botanikai Közlemények publishes original research articles and review papers of high-quality from all disciplines of botany including floristics, systematics, phytocoenology, phytogeography, paleobotany, conservation, anatomy and morphology, physiology, ecology, ecophysiology, genetics, horticulture, and history of botanical science. The journal regularly reports on the meetings of the Section of Botany, Hungarian Biological Society by publishing the abstracts of lectures. Most papers appear in Hungarian with an English abstract, and bilingual (Hungarian and English) captions for figures and tables. Manuscripts written in English language are also accepted. Each submission is reviewed by two anonymous reviewers. All contributions meeting the above criteria are welcome.


About this journal

Editorial board

Instructions for authors


How to order



Since the 1950s, the journal is published with financial support from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.